Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nailing the Needs Analysis


Hmm... let's see. I guess I have a few...
1. What happens if I've contacted ESL teachers from various teaching sites, and nobody gets back to me? 

2. How does the title of this assignment relate to the needs analysis assignments we completed in English 125E, where we had to actually create and perform a test or survey of a student's English proficiency? 

Contexts for assignment: 

Ideally, I would love to teach in a community college ESL classroom, or in an Intensive English Program (IEP), such as the English Language Institute on Sac State's campus. However, since I have already worked in the ELI for the past two fall semesters, I am trying to branch out and gain some classroom observation experience in another setting. I am hoping to find a professor at one of the community colleges for my classroom observation-- I think this will challenge me to step outside of my comfort zone (ELI) and force me to make new connections outside of those I have already established in ELI. 

Prior Knowledge about Context: 

 As far as I know, community college (CC) ESL programs aim to help students increase their English proficiency levels through classroom teaching and assistance through other resources... However, my knowledge about CC ESL teaching and learning is very limited. I am hoping to gain a better idea of the challenges and student demographics that CC professors help, which will better prepare me for future teaching experiences. 

Steps to Completing the Needs Analysis: 

I emailed Professor Gabriella Nuttall, the ESL Department Chair at Sacramento City College (SCC) on Friday regarding setting up a classroom observation with her or any other ESL professors at SCC, and am currently awaiting her response. If I cannot set up a meeting at SCC, I will also contact other ESL professors in the Los Rios district. Another option I will pursue if necessary is finding a teacher in one of the Sacramento-area adult schools, and finally, if none of these options pans out, I will contact the professors I know in ELI to see if I could sit in on any of their classes. 

I plan on giving Professor Nuttal until Monday or Tuesday to respond, and if I don't hear from her by Tuesday at the latest, I will proceed by reaching out to other professors in the area as well. 


Although this Needs Analysis assignment varies drastically from that in English 125E, I think this assignment will challenge me to view ESL teaching from a completely different angle than I am familiar with. I typically tend to focus on teaching approaches and a lesson's context, whereas I don't really consider the technological benefits and opportunities available in a classroom and how they can help expand my teaching options. This assignment (and class in general) will help me consider and explore technology as a teaching tool and will challenge me to creatively find ways to include technology within my teaching.   

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